WordPress Social Login Documentation
Welcome to WSL documentation. As a good start we recommend to read Networks Setup, then Widget Settings.
Installation | How to install WSL. |
Networks Setup | Outlines the required steps to allow WSL to connect users through social networks. |
Widget Settings | Customize the way you want WSL Widget to look and behave. |
Widget Themes | A number of customizations you may find useful to better fit the WSL Widget to your website theme. |
Bouncer | Advanced WSL Configuration. |
User Data | Outlines how WSL can give you access to a rich and standardized users profiles and contacts across all the social networks. |
BuddyPress | Outlines how to integrate WSL with BuddyPress. |
Developer API
Authentication Process | Outlines how the WSL authentication process works. Plus a quick reference for the used hooks (actions and filters). |
Widget Generation | Outlines how the WSL authentication widget is generated. Plus a quick reference for the used hooks (actions and filters). |
Pluggable PHP Functions | A quick reference for the WSL functions that you may "over-write". |
Access Social APIs | Outlines how access social networks apis through simple php code. |
Code Snippets | A number of useful snippets collected over time. |
Migrating to WSL 2.2+ | Outlines how to migrate to WSL 2.2+. |
Common issues | A list of the common issues some users have experienced and how to solve them. |
Advanced Troubleshooting | Outlines how to use WSL internal tools to troubleshoot complex issues. |
WordPress Social Login is a Charityware.
If you download or use the plug-in on a live website you are encouraged to donate to any charity organization of your choosing.
Below is a list of organizations and causes we support.