WSL Installation
Every Wordpress user should know how to install plugins, but just in case here is how to install WSL.
1. Install WSL the hard way, Seriously tho, Who on earth would do that!
- Download, Unzip and drop the extention on /wp-content/plugins/ directory,
- As administrator, activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress,
- Goto the Settings > WP Social Login to get started.
2. Install WSL the easy way, Click Click Click.
- As administrator, goto 'Plugins' then Click on 'Add New',
- Search for 'WordPress Social Login' then Click on 'Install Now',
- Wait for it to download, Unpack and to install,
- Activate the plugin by Clicking on 'Activate Plugin'
- Goto the Settings > WP Social Login to get started.