Poe·tts — Pillars of Eternity Text to Speech
Poetts is a tiny utility -made for my personal use- to synthesize some of the horribly long text on Pillars of Eternity through Windows SAPI text-to-speech engine.
Anyone who's visually impaired, have reading difficulties or who's simply too lazy to read tons of text.
How it use
To use Poetts, keep the Dialog box running on the background, then open Pillars of Eternity and use the available hot-keys from within the game (Ctrl+R to synthesize the text, Ctrl+P to pause or resume and Ctrl+S to stop the speaker).
Depending on amount of text on the screen and your computer, the process my take few seconds.
Poetts may generate funny results at times.
Poetts is best used for this kind of interfaces:
How it works
Poetts uses Tesseract OCR to convert images into text before attempting to match the extracted text to the game data folder to find the right sentences to read. This process however isn't too accurate and Poetts may generate unexpected results at times.
Obsidian Entertainment, is not affiliated, associated, or endorsed by me.